Large Grey Plywood 8-drawers Chest Of Drawers with External Drawers - 207x127x36cm

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Large Grey Plywood 8-drawers Chest Of Drawers with External Drawers - 207x127x36cm

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Your Chest of Drawers specification

Tylko Edge

Amazingly functional furniture that makes room for what matters

EDGE Chest of Drawers

Create family-friendly storage, in a colour that suits your style, to elevate and organise your space.

  • Vibrant colour range
  • Scratch and spill resistant
  • Non-toxic materials
  • Locally produced in the EU

Create up to 60% more storage space in your place

With our CustomFit technology

Life happens - let it

Guaranteed for 10 years

Ready to hold anything you want

Drawers designed to take a 30kg load

Our tool-free assembly's easy, even in small spaces

Using our innovative SimpleClick system

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Calidad y facilidad de montaje

Calidad y facilidad de montaje

Jonas from Spain

Great value, great quality product

Great value, great quality product

GLENN from United Kingdom

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Ana from Spain

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