Tall Slim White Oak Bookcase with Doors veneer - 125x233x32cm

Width 0cm • Height 0cm • Depth 0cm


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Tall Slim White Oak Bookcase with Doors veneer - 125x233x32cm

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Your Bookcase specification

Tylko Original

Furniture that fits for people that don't

Tylko Original Bookcase

Whether you want a wall-to-wall library or a way to store everything from pocket-sized paperbacks to heavyweight hardcovers, customise a bookcase that perfectly fits your growing collection.

  • Non-toxic, natural materials
  • Super sturdy construction
  • Scratch-resistant finish
  • Easy to build & disassemble

Every millimetre is yours

Perfect fit furniture

High density board topped with real wood


Timeless style inspired by nature


Magically easy to assemble


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Goed materiaal en precies volgens eigen ontwerp!

Goed materiaal en precies volgens eigen ontwerp!

Peter from Netherlands

Beau meuble!

Beau meuble!

amélie from France

Excellent materials, high quality, easy assembly!

Excellent materials, high quality, easy assembly!

JPM from Netherlands

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A new way to do natural, the Type01 ash veneer bookcase is a brillaint way to bring the warmth of real wood home. Cutomise your ash wood veneer bookcase using the easy online configurator by choosing from a range of sizes, layout styles and clever features, then enjoy effortless assembly thanks to colour-coded, click together elements and a personaised instruction manual that take the stress from setting up your shelves. From small libraries to floor-to-ceiling shelves, the unique grain pattern of each real ash wood veneer bookcase will quickly become a favourite.And, with free shipping and 100-day returns, your ash veneer bookcase has 100 days to win your heart, or we take it back for free.

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