Wide Oak Veneer 12-drawers Chest Of Drawers veneer - 226x103x32cm

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Wide Oak Veneer 12-drawers Chest Of Drawers veneer - 226x103x32cm

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Your Chest of Drawers specification

Tylko Original

Furniture that fits for people that don't

Tylko Original Chest of Drawers

Simply the chest for keeping clothes, treasures, cosmetics, clutter in order. Whatever you need to store, design your dream set of drawers and get organised.

  • Non-toxic, natural materials
  • Super sturdy construction
  • Scratch-resistant finish
  • Easy to build & disassemble

Every millimetre is yours

Perfect fit furniture

High density board topped with real wood


Timeless style inspired by nature




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zo verliefd op onze nieuwe kast. we zijn helemaal weg van de kwaliteit en vooral van de praktische laden.

zo verliefd op onze nieuwe kast. we zijn helemaal weg van de kwaliteit en vooral van de praktische laden.

Nora & Laura from regions.Germany

Calidad y facilidad de montaje

Calidad y facilidad de montaje

Jonas from Spain

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Ana from Spain

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Bring home the warm tones and natural aesthetic of the Type01 oak veneer chest of drawers. Perfect for bedrooms, offices, hallways and more, there's no place a well-designed chest of drawers doesn't fit. With a custom oak veneer chest of drawers, you get to design your perfect-fit piece – whether you choose drawers, doors or open shelves, or a mix of all three. The tactile sensation of real oak veneer makes using your dresser a dream, with roomy, deep drawers that can support up to 45 kg per drawer, and soft-close, whisper-silent sliders for years of easy-glide use. Whether one drawer or ten (or more!), each oak veneer chest of drawers is a perfectly-balanced, modern way to maximise your storage and beautify your space.

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