The Rights and Obligations of the Provider


We can block, restrict or limit access to your account whenever we think it may pose a threat to yourself, ourselves or other users. You are responsible for any content posted, stored, published or transmitted through

4.1. The Provider reserves the right to temporarily block any Account, suspend access to certain Services or suspend access to the Service entirely whenever it has been determined that the security of the Account, the Service or other Users is threatened. The Provider may require the User to reset his password. In such a case, the User will regain access to the Account immediately after the password has been reset.

4.2. In case of a serious breach of these Terms by the User or an attempt by the User to act to the detriment of any other User or the Provider, the Provider reserves the right to implement additional restrictions on the use of the Account, as well as, to remove the Account entirely (see sec. 9.2 below).

4.3. The Provider is not responsible for any content posted, stored, published or transmitted by the User through the Service and in connection with the Services. The User is obligated not to post, store, publish or transmit (through the Service or in connection with the Services) any content or material that is unlawful or which threatens the security of the Accounts, of other Users or of the Service.