What do I do if my furniture arrives damaged?

Oof. We hate to see people ask this, because it means something went wrong. We do our best to ensure your Tylko arrives in perfect condition, but if it didn't, we want to fix it asap. Here's how:

Get in touch with us here, and we'll get your claim started. We'll need clear photos of the elements of your order that are damaged, as well as the element numbers (you'll find this on a sticker on the element itself). We'll then process your claim within 14 working days and let you know how we'll fix, replace or reassemble your furniture - and of course, any shipping required by your claim will be covered by us.

You can also submit a claim if your furniture looks different to your design, or if it was assembled defectively. You have up to one year from noticing the defect (but no longer than 2 years after you received your product) to make your claim. Get in touch here.

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