User Account and Promo Codes


If you decide to get an account you can access it by logging into it with your login and password or using Facebook or Twitter. Remember to use your account in accordance with these Terms and the relevant provisions of law.

3.1. As a result of the Registration, an Account is created and assigned to the e-mail address provided by the User during Registration (login). User data provided during Registration is stored within the Account. Using the Account, the User may use the Services, manage his data, track the status of his Order and view his Order history.

3.2. Whenever any data provided during the Registration changes, the User should update it using the dedicated tab in the Service.

3.3. The User can access his Account by:

a) correctly entering his e-mail address (login) and password (provided during the Registration) into the “log in” form,

b) logging into the account using Facebook or Twitter. Where relevant, the Provider will provide the User with information on the processing of personal data received from a third party.

If the User forgets his password, the Provider will send a new one to the e-mail address provided during the Registration. The password can only be recovered after the User submits a filled password recovery form provided by the Provider.

3.4. The User is obliged to keep his password confidential. The user is also obliged not to make their Account available to any third party and in particular, not to let any third party use the Service or the Services via the Account.

3.5. In the course of using the Service, the User is obligated to comply with the relevant provisions of law and, in particular, the provisions of the Polish Civil Code of 23 April 1964 (Dz. U. 1964 No. 16 pos. 93, as amended), the Polish Copyright Act of 4 February 1994 (Dz. U. 1994 No. 24 pos. 83, as amended) (the “Copyright Act”) and the Polish Industrial Property Law of 30 June 2000 (Dz. U. 2001 No. 49, item. 508, as amended) (the “Industrial Property Law").

3.6. In order to use the Service and, in particular, to submit the Order, it is necessary for the User to have:

a) a device with Internet access and a web browser accepting cookies, or

b) a Mobile Application installed on a device running an iOS or an Android operating system, and

c) an e-mail account.

3.7. The Service may collect data identifying the User’s device and gather information on the use of the Service and – in order to do so - connect to external applications (such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Analytics) for, among other things, the purposes referred to in sec. 2.1 pt. b), sec. 2.5 and sec. 3.3 pt. b) of these Terms. Where relevant, the Provider will provide the User with information on the processing of personal data received from a third party. More information might be found in Privacy Policy.

3.8. User may enter one Promo Code per order when checking out. Entering more than one Promo Code for multiple discounts within one order is not permitted.

3.9. The following points refer to the CLD40 promo.

a) The 35% discount is applicable to all products.

b) Offer does not include samples.

c) The above terms are applicable for orders placed and paid from 20.03 to 26.03

d) We reserve the right to suspend any promotion in any case in the event of technical problems preventing the execution of an order, exhaustion of stock, lack of products and/or raw materials for implementation, force majeure, or external reasons beyond our control that prevent implementation.

e) The terms of promotions are subject to change each time. The value of a discount may be different for each promo and apply to different categories of products, and newly-introduced promotions may vary from a previously established promotion. Promotions may also be extended in the event of high interest.

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