
Con cassetti di tre diverse altezze e per gli scomparti inferiori a 160 cm, avere tutto in ordine non è mai stato così semplice!

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Tylko presents our stunning collection of pink chest of drawers, offering a diverse range of styles, sizes, and finishes to suit any interior design. From soft dusky pink to vibrant, modern pink tones, our elegant furniture pieces will add a touch of flair and charm to your home.

Children's pink chest of drawers

Our children's pink chest of drawers is a perfect addition to any child's bedroom or playroom, offering a whimsical touch and ample storage space for clothes, toys, and more. The playful pink hues will inspire and delight, making tidying up an enjoyable experience for your little ones.

Dusky pink chest of drawers

For a more sophisticated look, consider our dusky pink chest of drawers, designed to seamlessly blend into any interior décor. The dusky pink tones evoke a sense of calm and serenity, perfect for creating a tranquil atmosphere in your bedroom or living space. Our dusky pink chest of drawers is a timeless choice that will remain stylish for years to come.

Small pink chest of drawers

Ideal for smaller living spaces, our small pink chest of drawers combines functionality with style. This compact furniture piece is perfect for adding a pop of colour and charm to your home, without overwhelming the room. Despite its petite size, our small pink chest of drawers still provides ample storage space, ensuring your belongings are neatly organised and easily accessible.

Tall pink chest of drawers

Maximise your storage space with our tall pink chest of drawers, a practical and stylish solution for those with limited floor space. The tall pink chest of drawers is a versatile option that can be used in various rooms, from bedrooms to living areas, providing both functionality and flair.

Modern pink chest of drawers

Embrace contemporary design with our modern pink chest of drawers, featuring sleek lines, minimalist aesthetics, and innovative storage solutions. This vibrant furniture piece will make a bold statement in any room, while still offering practical storage space for your belongings. Our modern pink chest of drawers is perfect for those who appreciate cutting-edge design and are looking to add a touch of excitement to their home décor.

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