
Gli armadi personalizzati di Tylko si adattano alla perfezione ai tuoi ambienti e al tuo stile. Proprio per questo potranno offrirti lo spazio necessario per riporre gli oggetti di tutta la famiglia. Cerchi un armadio di dimensioni ridotte o uno a tutta altezza? Qui troverai la soluzione adatta alle tue esigenze!

Compare our wardrobe lines <br class="hidden md:block"> to find the right one for you

Compare our wardrobe lines to find the right one for you


32 di 2299

Mostra 32 di 2299

Trova il tuo <br class="lg-max:hidden"> armadio perfetto

Trova il tuo
armadio perfetto

A te la scelta

Discover Tylko's exceptional range of wardrobes up to 190cm height, designed to provide an ideal storage solution for various room sizes and ceiling heights. Browse through our collection of 190cm height wardrobes to find the perfect addition to your bedroom, tailored to suit your unique needs and preferences.

Stylish 190cm height wardrobes for every home

Our 190cm height wardrobes are designed to cater to a variety of interior styles and preferences, ensuring a seamless fit in any bedroom. These wardrobes provide ample storage space for your clothing, accessories, and other belongings, keeping your bedroom organised and clutter-free. Available in various configurations, materials, and finishes, our 190cm high wardrobe collection allows you to customise your storage solution to complement your existing décor and enhance the overall aesthetic of your space.

190cm high wardrobe solutions

Tylko's 190cm high wardrobe range offers space-efficient storage solutions that maximise functionality without compromising on style. These wardrobes are thoughtfully designed to provide generous storage capacity within a compact vertical space, making them an ideal choice for bedrooms with limited floor area or specific ceiling heights. Choose from a variety of materials, colours, and finishes to create a wardrobe that not only meets your storage requirements but also elevates the overall appearance of your room.

Wardrobes to 190cm height for storage

Our collection of wardrobes to 190cm height caters to a wide range of storage requirements, providing a versatile and adaptable solution for organising your belongings. With options ranging from single-door wardrobes to multi-functional wardrobe systems, our range ensures that you'll find a storage solution that perfectly fits your needs. The adjustable shelves, compartments, and drawers allow you to customise the internal layout of your wardrobe, ensuring that every item has its designated place, resulting in a tidy and well-organised bedroom.

Discover the perfect wardrobe up to 190cm height

Tylko's wardrobes up to 190cm height offer more than just a practical storage solution; they represent a perfect blend of style, quality, and innovation. Each wardrobe has been meticulously designed and crafted to ensure durability, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. Browse through our range of 190cm height wardrobes and discover the perfect piece to complete your bedroom, reflecting your unique style and taste. Let us help you transform your space into an organised, clutter-free haven that radiates sophistication and elegance.

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