Large Black Plywood Desk with Doors, Drawers, Backpanels and Cable Management plywood - 160x73x50cm

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Large Black Plywood Desk with Doors, Drawers, Backpanels and Cable Management plywood - 160x73x50cm

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Tylko Original

Furniture that fits for people that don't

Tylko Original Desk

Tidy workspace, tidy mind. For writing, thinking, reading, drawing, crafting, homework or home office (or all of the above), create a dream desk setup just right for your needs.

  • Non-toxic, natural materials
  • Super sturdy construction
  • Scratch-resistant finish
  • Easy to build & disassemble

Every millimetre is yours

Perfect fit furniture

Crafted from 13 layers of birchwood


A modern take on a furniture classic


Magically easy to assemble


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Jonas from Spain

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Happy with my new beautiful and own designed furniture!

Ana from Spain



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The Tylko Type01 birch plywood desk is the custom workspace that's precisely what you've been looking for. Simply click and swipe within the easy configurator to design a plywood computer desk that suits your style, space and particular needs. Want a wide desk to work on? Easy. Need something slim and streamlined for a small studio space? Done. With a flexible range of sizes, styles and endless design options, your birch ply desk can be as unique as you want it to be. Why settle for one-size-fits-all when you can easily create the desk you've been dreaming of in just a few minutes? Perfect for home offices, studios, kids rooms and more, make plenty of space to let creativity flourish with a customised desk. And, with free shipping and 100 days to let it settle in, your plywood office furniture is sure to become your new workplace bestie.

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