Oak Veneer Shoe Rack with Drawers veneer - 82x63x32cm

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Oak Veneer Shoe Rack with Drawers veneer - 82x63x32cm

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Your Shoe Rack specification

Tylko Original

Furniture that fits for people that don't

Tylko Original Shoe Rack

Say hello to a tidy hallway with a sturdy shoe rack that fits every type of footwear. It also doubles up as a neat seat for slipping your shoes on and off in comfort.

  • Non-toxic, natural materials
  • Super sturdy construction
  • Scratch-resistant finish
  • Easy to build & disassemble

Every millimetre is yours

Perfect fit furniture

High density board topped with real wood


Timeless style inspired by nature




Tylko's rating based on 8272 reviews

Canon !

Canon !

Co.~ de Meudon (FR) from France

Love it - easy on the eye

Love it - easy on the eye

Sue from United Kingdom

Perfect for our tricky hallway

Perfect for our tricky hallway

Suzie from United Kingdom

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Shoe storage doesn't have to be basic. The Type01 oak veneer shoe cabinet is a timeless classic that maximises storage space and adds a touch of natural beauty to any space. With a custom oak veneer shoe rack you're in charge of your configuration. Need doors to keep shoes safe and tucked away? Add as many as you like. Want drawers to catch keys, odd gloves, phone charges and other by-the-door items? Add those too. Or, keep it wide open to show of your prized sneaker collection. Finished with a warm, tactile layer of bespoke oak veneer, each custom shoe rack brings effortless natural style to any interior. With free delivery, super simple assembly and free 100-days returns, your oak veneer shoe cabinet is a no-risk way to max out storage – and style.

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