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Welcome to Tylko's exclusive range of wardrobes between 150-300cm wide, the perfect choice for those seeking a stylish and practical storage solution for their home. Designed with your needs in mind, our wardrobes between 150-300cm wide offer ample storage space without compromising on style. Discover our range of bespoke designs, colours, and finishes to create a wardrobe that seamlessly integrates with your interiors.

150-300cm width wardrobes

At Tylko, we understand that everyone's storage needs are different. That's why we offer a versatile collection of 150-300cm width wardrobes, ensuring that you can find the ideal fit for your space. Choose from a variety of configurations, including sliding doors, hinged doors, or open-concept wardrobes to suit your preferences. Our expert designers have carefully crafted each wardrobe to maximise storage, providing you with an abundance of compartments, shelves, and hanging space to keep your belongings organised and easily accessible.

Customise your 150-300cm wide wardrobe

Our 150-300cm wide wardrobe selection is designed with personalisation in mind, allowing you to create a bespoke storage solution tailored to your unique requirements. Using our easy-to-use online configurator, you can customise your wardrobe's dimensions, colours, and finishes to match your room's décor and layout. Whether you're after a minimalist design with clean lines or a more traditional look, Tylko's range of 150-300cm wide wardrobes offers a wealth of options for you to explore.

150-300cm wide wardrobe for ever home

At Tylko, we take pride in our commitment to quality. Each of our wardrobes between 150-300cm wide is meticulously crafted using the finest materials, ensuring durability and longevity. We use sustainable wood sources and eco-friendly finishes to create products that are not only beautiful but also kind to the environment. Our wardrobes are designed with precision-engineered fittings and fixtures, guaranteeing smooth operation and optimal functionality. Rest assured that when you choose a Tylko wardrobe, you are investing in a high-quality piece of furniture that will stand the test of time.

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